2014 CHASS National Forum

Register Now!  2014 CHASS National Forum, Melbourne, 8 and 9 October

The clock is ticking!  Early bird registrations close this Sunday 31 August.

The 2014 Council for the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS) National Forum Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences and the Public Good will be held at the University of Melbourne on 8 and 9 October.

Over the course of two days, academics, researchers, political leaders, policy makers and arts practitioners will explore, debate and develop future strategies for the humanities, arts and social sciences to contribute to public good.

Confirmed speakers include Hugh Mackay, David Malouf, renowned sociologist and author Frank Furedi, Professor Ian Chubb AC (Chief Scientist), Emma Bennison (Arts Access Australia), Professor Denise Meredyth (Australian Research Council), Tim Wilson (Australian Human Rights Commissioner) and Professor David Christian FAHA (Big History), among others. Click here for more.

Day 1 Speed Dating for HASS Researchers

About the session
To prove that less really is more, senior HASS researchers will have just 3-minutes each to impress a panel of journalists about the value of their work. Cash prizes will go to the best presenters.

• Dr. Tom Clark, College of Arts, Victoria University; President, Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association (AULLA)
• Associate Professor Karen Farquharson, Swinburne University of Technology
• Associate Professor Jo Lindsay, School of Social Sciences, Monash University; President, The Australian Sociological Association (TASA)
• Professor Graham Oppy FAHA, School of Philosophical, Historical and International Studies (SOPHIS), Monash University; Chair of Council, Australasian Association of Philosophy (AAP)
• Associate Professor Robert Phiddian, School of Humanities and Creative Arts, Flinders University; Director, Australasian Consortium of Humanities Research Centres (ACHRC)
• Professor Deb Verhoeven, School of Communication and Creative Arts, Deakin University
• Associate Professor Andrea Witcomb, Director, Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia, Deakin University

• Paul Dalgarno, Deputy Editor and Section Editor: Arts + Culture, The Conversation
• Dr. Susannah Eliott, CEO, Australian Science Media Centre
• Julie Hare, Editor – Higher Education, The Australian

Day 1 Panel Discussion – Safeguarding Freedom of Expression

About the session
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights includes freedom of expression, yet freedom of speech is continuously under threat. The criminalization of free expression, attempts to regulate the media, campus speech codes and attempts at censorship are not ancient history—they are alive and well today. How do we safeguard our free expression?

• Emma Bennison, Chief Executive Officer, Arts Access Australia
• Jeannie Rea, National President, National Tertiary Education Union
• John Roskam, Executive Director, Institute of Public Affairs
• Tim Wilson, Australian Human Rights Commissioner

Chair: Christie Anthoney, Executive Officer, Festivals Adelaide

 Day 2 Master Classes

This program consists of three practical “hands-on” master classes run by experts in their respective areas.

• Applying for ARC Grants: Professor Denise Meredyth, Executive Director – Humanities and Creative Arts, Australian Research Council
• Research, Public Engagement and Impact: Professor Paul Gough, Pro Vice-Chancellor & Vice-President, Design & Social Context, RMIT University
• Powerful Partnerships: Emeritus Professor Steven Schwartz AM, Executive Director, Council for the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences