AGIEI Review Lowers Threshold

Australian Government International Exhibitions Insurance Program

The Australian Government has released a report on its review of the Australian Government International Exhibitions Insurance (AGIEI) program in 2012-13. CAMD and a number of its member museums made submissions to the review in support of the program and future extensions.

The review found that the insurance program has increased public access to significant international cultural material, has widespread support, is administratively cost-effective and provides support to a broad range of cultural institutions.

The review noted that the existing minimum exhibition value threshold of $50 million was disadvantaging museological exhibitions which were likely to be of a lower monetary value. A minimum funding threshold of $20 million will be introduced for this type of exhibition.

Revised program guidelines will be introduced ahead of the 2015-16 funding round. Further information about this is expected in the coming months.

The review report and recommendations can be seen here: AGIEI Review Summary Report.

Meredith Foley
CAMD Executive Officer

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