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AM announces 2020 Eureka Prize finalists

Cara Bevington, 2020 Australian Museum Eureka Prizes finalists, Australian Museum, 29 September 2020

51 entries were shortlisted for 17 Australian Museum Eureka Prizes.

Research & Innovation

NSW Environment, Energy and Science (DPIE) Eureka Prize for Applied Environmental Research

Cat Ecology, Impact and Management Team
The Threatened Species Recovery Hub of the National Environmental Science Program

The impact of feral cats on Australia’s wildlife is severe, however, a lack of robust evidence has made their effective management a long-standing challenge. This collaborative team of scientists and land managers has undertaken national-scale research on the ecology of cats, tested management options, and influenced biodiversity conservation policy.


Rebuilding Australia’s Lost Shellfish Reefs
The Nature Conservancy; James Cook University; University of Adelaide; and University of Tasmania

Shellfish reefs, once common across the temperate bays and estuaries of southern Australia, have been overexploited to near extinction. This research has documented the decline and provided the knowledge required to successfully commence restoring them and their vital ecosystem services, such as cleaner water, more fish, and protected shorelines.


Tackling Prey Naivety Team
UNSW; Arid Recovery; University of California; and Bush Heritage Australia

One of the most significant drivers of native mammal extinction and decline in Australia is predation by introduced cats and foxes. By exposing populations of threatened burrowing bettongs and greater bilbies to low densities of novel predators over extended time periods, the Tackling Prey Naivety Team has improved their anti-predator traits.
