AMaGA Call for Nominations, National Council 2021-2023, Australian Museums and Galleries Association, January 2021
2021 is an AMaGA Election Year. We are calling for nominations for National Council 2021-2023. Closing date: 9 March 2021
We called for National Council nominations on 9 December 2020. We are still accepting nominations until 9 March 2021.
The National Council provides the vital representative platform for leadership of the Australian Museums and Galleries Association, and its members are the recognisable interface with the sector, on behalf of the hugely dispersed footprint of AMaGA membership around the country.
Council members bring expertise and experience, source opinion, listen to needs, develop and implement policy, and, in particular, garner the intellectual and human resources that help the association continue to put together informed submissions to public inquiries affecting the sector, and continuing to provide effective advocacy to government on issues and conditions vitally affecting our museums and the communities they serve.
Council needs representation from across the geographic spread of the country and covering the intellectual and practical diversity of disciplines and functions that make up the museums and galleries sector, as reflected in AMaGA’s membership.
The Council consists of the positions of President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer and 6 ordinary members. All positions are open for nomination. Existing councillors must re-nominate. The current Presidents of the various State/Territory Branches, or their designated representative, are automatically members of Council.
Council service is honorary, with Councillors meeting their own individual expenses to attend the two annual face-to-face meetings. Other meetings and executive meetings take place via teleconference throughout the year.
A National Council Handbook is available on our website. Many frequently asked questions are answered, and more information on the roles and responsibilities of each position is outlined.
To nominate please complete the online nomination form, and submit it (with candidate endorsement) by 9 March 2021. If you require an offline form, contact National Office. Please note that the nominee, nominator and seconder all need to be current members at the time of nomination, voting and election.
Steph Hamilton
AMaGA National Office
Rebecca Coronel
Returning Officer and Chair of Nominations Committee