Strategic Plan and Pillars 2024 – 26: Overview, Australian Museums and Galleries Association, February 2024
Across the 2021- 2023 term, the National Council and AMaGA leadership developed a new approach to plotting the strategic direction of the Association – one that works simultaneously for the sector and to improve AMaGA itself.
As appropriate for a sector peak body, the top-line statements of vision and purpose are outward-facing:
Vision: Australia’s museums and galleries are financially supported, cherished, enjoyed and protected, ensuring their enduring value for present and future generations.
Purpose: To champion and connect a diverse, inclusive and thriving museum and gallery sector that inspires and enables cultural participation.
To achieve our vision and purpose, AMaGA’s overall strategic objective is to address the “wicked” issues affecting the entire museum and gallery sector. These issues are referred to as “wicked” because they affect different parts of the sector in unique ways. They require comprehensive change and innovation as the challenges are widespread, crucial, urgent and often appear difficult to solve.
The lifecycle of AMaGA’s strategic work broadly flows in the direction shown below – with the tacit acknowledgment that change rarely follows a linear trajectory and that evidence-based advocacy is essential at all stages of the process:
research ⇨ professional development ⇨ sectoral change
The Pillars: Sector issues are channelled into the following seven pillars*:
First Nations
Equity, access and inclusion
Museum and gallery work
Digital transformation
The funding mix
*The seven pillars of AMaGA are interdependent to each other. Consequently, if a suggested project or program does not relate to, or align, with at least two pillars, the AMaGA National Council would examine its feasibility. They would assess whether the program provides adequate sector benefits and is a suitable use of AMaGA resources.
Under the title of each pillar you will see the sub-heading, “By which we mean:”. This phrase indicates which subjects/topics/communities the pillar broadly encompasses in list form. The lists are dynamic within and between the pillars and will likely change and grow as AMaGA and the sector gets comfortable working within the framework.
On each of the detailed pillar pages the division between the manner in which AMaGA addresses sector needs and how AMaGA plans to tackle internal issues is expressed under the following headings:
For museums and galleries:
First Nations: First Nations culture, knowledge and experience are core to museum and gallery practice, and essential to AMaGA’s composition.
National Voice: be the trusted, authoritative advocate to amplify members’ voices as an active participant in the national conversation.
Strengthening Capacity: champion sector standards and strengthen museum and gallery workers and volunteers’ capacity to develop and sustain their practice.
Inside AMaGA: demonstrates how AMaGA is addressing the pillar objectives internally through reforms and changes in workplace culture and practices.
AMaGA operational plan: outlines in table form the specific projects and program work AMaGA will undertake, both for the sector and within the Association, across the three years of the strategic plan.
Design principle:
Year 1 = building blocks and internal capability
Year 2 = data/info acquisition and piloting sector capability building
Year 3 = strategy to leverage info to drive change (to be completed)
In summary: We proudly present the AMaGA Strategic Plan and Pillars 2024-2026 to you. Our aspiration is that these elements offer a clear understanding of AMaGA’s purpose and path for members, stakeholders, and anyone passionate about the world of museums and galleries. Our ongoing efforts involve exploring ways to visibly demonstrate the resources allocated to projects within the pillars. This plan is dynamic, constantly evolving, and we invite constructive feedback to sharpen AMaGA’s strategic and operational initiatives for the benefit of the museum and gallery sector.
AMaGA National Council, December 2023