An educator’s role

Bug Lab, 2016. Source: Te Papa.

Donald James, Bug Lab: an educator’s role in creating a blockbuster exhibition, Te Papa, 22 November 2016

Museum education specialist Donald James talks about the new Bug Lab exhibition coming to Te Papa on 10 Dec 2016 and introduces a brand new learning resource for teachers.

How do you make an exhibition relevant for up to 10 years on 4 different continents? It must activate curious minds, reward inquisitiveness, and inspire wonder.

These are enduring ideals that will still be relevant once Bug Lab has completed its world tour in the next 10 years.

In Bug Lab you get to meet some of the most incredible bugs known to science and the scientists who know them best. From them you will learn how bugs are inspiring human innovation.

My name is Donald and last May Te Papa hired me as a Museum Education Specialist to develop the plan for a hands-on, immersive space within the Bug Lab exhibition.

Opening on 10 Dec 2016, the newly-created exhibition gives human visitors a chance to learn from the genius of bugs.

Te Papa decided there would be a few, large, bug heroes who would share the story of their almost superpower-like abilities.

The exhibition will give visitors hands-on opportunities to make their own innovations and discoveries as well as a place to process their understanding of bugs. The result is an area central to the exhibition called The Lab.

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