Arts Nation released

Arts Nation: An Overview of Australian Arts

The Australia Council for the Arts has recently released the long awaited ‘Arts Nation: An Overview of Australian Arts’.

The report provides evidence as a catalyst for informed discussion about arts and culture in Australia. It will be an evolving report which fills a critical gap by creating and interpreting a set of national indicators to increase our understanding of the Australian arts industry.

This first report delivers a selected set of initial indicators that enrich the existing evidence base for the arts. It builds on key data collections and research undertaken by over 100 arts and research organisations across Australia.

Eight leaders from across the arts sector shared their personal experiences and insights for Talking Points articles on the topics of Diversity and International.

The report also includes analysis on the arts and subjective wellbeing to measure the impact of the arts on personal satisfaction levels and more broadly on society.

You can access the Arts Nation report in PDFe-book or accessible version.

The Australia Council has created an Overview fact sheet and fact sheets for each report theme:

  • Australians experiencing the arts
  • Artists and the arts
  • Australian arts internationally
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts
  • The cultural economy

The Media Release can be found here.