The Queensland Museum is a dynamic, statewide organisation that actively partners with, and connects communities through compelling experiences, original research, amazing collections and a creative culture. We are seeking an experienced Business Analyst to join our team. This is an exciting opportunity as you will be responsible in creating innovative opportunities and improvements which shape the Museum’s accounting and financial management systems and financial controls.
- Manage the maintenance and improvement of operational financial management frameworks and systems to enable effective and contemporary financial management across the QMN.
- Oversee the implementation of new monthly financial management reporting for business units.
- Manage the planning and coordination of long term financial forecasts to support strategic planning as well as the annual budget and quarterly forecasting process in conjunction with the CFO and functional heads and managers.
- Establish frameworks and design a reporting timetable that fits in with QM Board and FARMC meeting timeframes as well as State Budget Process and Treasury reporting requirements.
- Manage and streamline business administration and management processes relating to delivery of financial management services to deliver continuous improvement.
- Review, update and maintain an internal control structure and financial policies and procedures, ensuring financial data integrity and compliance with Financial Management Practice Manual (FMPM), including financial and procurement delegations, asset management and management of other sensitive items.
- Provide financial leadership across QMN during a period of significant change, ensuring effective change management and engagement.
- Use appropriate and robust forecasting, trending, cost benefit analysis, financial systems and pricing models to support the development of plans and operations, particularly sustainable financial and commercial considerations within QMN.
- Identify, support, forecast and prepare financial diligence for business plans and submissions.
- Collaborate with directors and managers to ensure operational sustainability and project viability, including business analyses and review, planning and reporting, financial training, budget preparation and performance measurement development.
- Develop a safety culture in the team by modelling and safe practices and behaviour, implementing all required procedures, reducing your safety risks, as far as reasonably practicable, before work commences. Undertake all relevant responsibilities identified in the QMN WHS Accountabilities and Responsibilities Matrix.
Your application for this role will remain current for 12 months and may be considered for recurring vacancies which may be at an alternative location or alternative employment basis (full-time or part-time).
For more information or to apply visit JobsQld.