Chau Chak Wing Museum at Uni of Sydney

Sydney’s newest museum opens, The University of Sydney, 16 November 2020

The Chau Chak Wing Museum at the University of Sydney opens to the public on 18 November.

With 2,000 square metres of exhibition space spread across four levels, the museum triples the space previously available for the University’s collections, which began with the opening of the Nicholson Museum in 1860. The new museum draws on the Nicholson, Macleay and University Art collections. The Nicholson Collection is the largest collection of antiquities in the southern hemisphere. The Macleay Collections include some of Australia’s most significant natural history objects. The University Art Collection comprises more than 8,000 historical and contemporary works spanning millennia.

“Our collections contain a remarkably diverse range of material from around the world,” said museum director David Ellis.

“Some of the objects on display are well-known favourites while others are on show for the first time in decades.”

Remains from the museum’s four mummies, which have drawn families to the Nicholson Museum for decades, will finally reside together in a dedicated Mummy Room. The custom-made space will also reveal details of the museum’s Mummy Project, which used the most modern scientific techniques to find out more about the remains of these ancieTnt Egyptians and the lives they might have led.

Elsewhere, four Australian shark specimens that have been part of the Macleay natural history collection for more than a century will go on show for the first time since the 1930s.

Mr Ellis says the museum gives curators opportunities to present the collections in new ways. The link between Cubism and mathematics, the rise of photographic studios and our relationship with the ocean are among the themes explored across 18 exhibitions opening with the museum.

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