Community Navigator Te Aho Mutunga Kore

Tāmaki Paenga Hira: Tui tui hono tangata, whenua me te moana.

He whare taonga matua a Tāmaki Paenga Hira, he pātaka kōrero tuku iho, he pou whenua nō Tāmaki Makaurau e manaaki ana i ngā taonga whakahirahira, e whakawhanake ana, e whakaatu ana hoki i ngā kaupapa whakahirahira ki ō mātou wharetoi, ki ngā whakaaturanga me ngā hōtaka mātauranga. Koinei te kāinga o ngā hui whakamahara o Tāmaki Herehere, waihoki nō mātou anō te whare rangahau tawhito rawa o te motu, ā, he whare tāpoi matua hoki tēnei e muia ana e ngā tūruhi.

Auckland War Memorial Museum: Connecting through sharing stories of people, lands and seas.

Auckland Museum is a much-loved culture and heritage organisation at the heart of Auckland’s identity, committed to outstanding management of its world-class collections, developing and sharing engaging content through its galleries, exhibition, events, educational programmes and the permanent and volunteer staff who tell the Museum’s stories. We are Auckland’s home of commemoration as well as the country’s oldest research institution and a major tourist destination.

Job Description

Ko Te Aho Mutunga Kore he Whare Papanga, Weu anō hoki mō te iwi Maōri me ngā iwi o Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa, e noho ana ki Tāmaki Paenga Hira. Ko tana mahi he poipoi i te auahatanga, he tuku i te mōhiotanga, he hanga mōhiotanga anō hoki mā te aro kē ki tā te hapori e hiahia ana. Ko tā Te Aho Mutunga Kore he whakaū i te whai wāhitanga ki te kohinga o ngā papanga me ngā weu hei whakakaha i te hono i waenganui i te hapori me ā rātou taonga kia pai ai te tuku ihotanga o te mātauranga.

Ko te ito o tēnei whakatūtanga he whakaū i te panonitanga o ngā tukanga a te mahi o te whare taonga e whai panonitanga whaitake ki te taha o ngā hapori hei manaaki i ngā taonga me te measina. Kei te kimi mātou i tētahi Kaiwhakatere Hapori whaihua e tutuki ai tēnei kaupapa hou, whakahirahira hoki ki Tāmaki Paenga Hira.

Te Aho Mutunga Kore is a Textile and Fibre Centre for Māori and Pacific, located in Auckland Museum.  The centre will nurture creativity, knowledge sharing and knowledge creation by decentring the Museum and handing agency back to communities. Te Aho Mutunga Kore: the everlasting threads of knowledge, will ensure sustained engagement with textile and fibre collections to strengthen the ties (aho) between community and their material culture heritage, creating a safe pathway for knowledge transmission (taonga tuku iho.

The establishment of the centre seeks to embed a step-change in our museum practice to embed meaningful change in the way we work with communities to safeguard taonga and measina.  We are looking for an effective Community Navigator to help deliver this exciting new initiative at Tāmaki Paenga Hira. This is a full-time and fixed term position running to mid-October 2024.

Desired Skills and Experience

Rā Kati: 29 Kohitātea 2023

To be successful in this role, you will offer:

Click here to apply.

Please note there are also Project Manager and Collection Technician roles required for the Te Aho Mutunga Kore Centre, so please keep a lookout for the advertisements for these positions coming soon. The position description for the Community Navigator, Te Aho Mutunga Kore can be viewed here, or select the apply button to review if viewing on Seek.

Me whai mana koe hei kaimahi ki Aotearoa i mua i tō tono ki tēnei tūranga.

He whare manaaki, he whare atawhai a Tāmaki Paenga Hira. Ka manaakihia ngā momo tāngata rerekē, ka poipoi mātou i ngā tikanga a iwi kē i raro i ā mātou rautaki e rua o Teu le Vā me He Korahi Māori. He nui anō ngā hua papai e whakawhiwhia ana ki ngā kaimahi pērā i ngā whakaritenga ngāwari mō te mahi me ngā rā whakatā. Kua whakawhiwhia tō mātou hōtaka hauora ki tētahi tohu whakanui.

He tūranga whakahirahira tēnei mā tētahi tangata e kimi mahi ana ki tētahi o ngā whare whakahirahira o Aotearoa e kaha ana ki te whakapuaki i ngā kōrero ā-motu me ngā kōrero a Tāmaki Makaurau e whakaata ana i tō tātou tūranga motuhake ki Te Moananui-a-Kiwa

You must be eligible to work in New Zealand to apply for this position.

Auckland Museum offers a rich and fulfilling work life where we embrace diversity and nurture our bicultural capability as demonstrated in our Teu le Va and He Korahi Maori strategies. We also offer a range of great benefits such as flexible work and leave and an award-winning wellbeing programme.

This is a great opportunity for someone looking to be part of a fabulous New Zealand organisation committed to telling our national and Auckland stories, reflecting our unique place in the South Pacific.

He Oranga Tangata ka ao

Enriching lives: Inspiring discoveries