As one of Australia’s major cultural collecting institutions and custodian of Queensland’s memory, our historic and contemporary collections inform our programming, public engagement and partnerships. We share and celebrate First Nations perspectives through knowledge creation and truth-telling in culturally informed and appropriate ways. We are a place of experimentation, possibility and inclusion, where knowledge empowers and diversity is celebrated.
The Exhibitions team manage and curate exhibitions that creatively tell Queensland stories that inspire our communities to question and engage deeply with Queensland culture. We aim to be leaders in innovative exhibition experiences that are co-created with our communities, provide multiple levels of engagement and participation, and enhance digital literacy.
You will manage the end-to-end development of multiple medium to large and/or long-term exhibitions, showcases and displays as outlined in the exhibition forward schedule. This includes but is not limited to project management and exhibition design, working with the curator to develop content, meeting budgetary requirements, logistics and schedules for installation, collaborating with others on design, public programming and marketing and promotional resources as well as providing regular reporting on progress against milestones.
The role description will outline any qualifications, licences and specific requirements of the role. If you are interested in this job we encourage you to read the attached role description and talk to the contact officer.
People of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander background are strongly encouraged to apply.
For more information and to apply visit: JobsQld.