Gina Fairley interviews NMA’s Katherine McMahon

Gina Fairley, Shaking up the past: Katherine McMahon tells how, ArtsHub, 26 July 2024

Katherine McMahon is shapeshifting how we engage with museums – from under six-year-olds to now tapping international engagement.

Katherine McMahon, Executive Director, National Museum of Australia. Image: Supplied.

On the day that Artshub visits the National Museum of Australia (NMA), which is idyllically located on the banks of Lake Burley Griffin in Canberra, there is a buzzy energy. The current blockbuster exhibition, Discovering Ancient Egypt, has drawn crowds of all ages, and the Museum’s café has a usual flurry of diners.

Director Katherine McMahon tells ArtsHub of a recent comment by a visitor: ‘She said “I cannot believe my great grandfather’s object is in the same building as mummies from ancient Egypt.” I love this – because we do have the capacity to hold it all here.’