2014 CHASS National Forum, ‘Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences and the Public Good’, Melbourne, 8 & 9 October 2014
Over the course of two days, researchers, political leaders, policy makers and artists will examine how the humanities, arts and social sciences can help us deal with contemporary social problems.
In addition to a stellar collection of speakers and presenters, the 2014 CHASS National Forum will also contain a few surprises, so be sure to check the CHASS website and social media channels on twitter and Facebook for developments.
This year’s Forum will include a special Forum Dinner. The evening will include an award ceremony for the first recipients of The CHASS Australia Prizes. There will be four prizes this year: one for a book, one for performance, practice or policy making, the third for an early career future leader, and one for a student.
Prize details and nomination forms are available here.
The annual CHASS National Forum provides an opportunity for academics, artists, practitioners and policy makers to meet, share ideas and promote the arts, humanities and social sciences.
You can read more about the program and registration here.