Leaders in biodiversity research, Museums Victoria’s Sciences Department has a strong track record in investigating the impacts of bushfires on Victoria’s fauna.
We are seeking an enthusiastic and experienced Early Career Researcher (within five years of PhD confirmation) to initiate and undertake research investigating the impacts of fire on reptiles and invertebrates in the Little Desert in western Victoria, using genomic and field-based ecological approaches.
You will be undertaking high quality biological research, the findings of which are published in peer-reviewed international journals and disseminated through academic and public lectures, science communication initiatives, the Museum’s public programs and potentially be incorporated into its exhibitions.
The primary responsibility of the Ian Potter Research Fellow will be to pursue individual and collaborative research on impacts of fire on reptiles and invertebrates in the Little Desert, using genomic and ecological approaches, which will contribute to achievement of grant KPIs. In addition, the incumbent will work, communicate and engage with community partners and the conservation management sector to develop collaborative links. See the attached position description for full details.
You will have the ability to initiate, develop and deliver high quality research using genomic and field-based ecological approaches. You will also have had experience establishing and building research networks, engaging community organisations and collaborating with management sector stakeholders. See the attached position description for full selection criteria.
Museums Victoria cares for the State scientific and cultural collections, providing visitor access, activities and events at five distinct venues: Melbourne Museum, Immigration Museum, Scienceworks, IMAX Cinema and world heritage listed Royal Exhibition Building.
To learn more about Museums Victoria, please visit museumvictoria.com.au/about/
To view the position description, visit museumvictoria.com.au/employment/; for more information about this position, please contact Jane Melville on (03) 8341 7444.
For more information or to apply visit: http://museumvictoria.com.au/employment/