ICOM International Relations Award

This award celebrates the exceptional work undertaken by individuals and Australian institutions to strengthen international ties and contribute to the cultural richness of our region.

ICOM Australia believes that cooperative projects are very important in strengthening museum relations internationally by promoting information sharing across borders and distributing unique resources worldwide.

Nominations are now open for the 2012 ICOM Australia Award for International Relations.

Two types of award are offered:

  • a discrete project or an ongoing initiative during 2011/2012 that strengthens museum relations internationally, promotes information sharing across borders and distributes resources beyond Australia;
  • an outstanding individual achievement, recognising sustained international work over a long period.

Nominations close Friday 10 August 2012.

Further information and the nomination form are available at the link to the ICOM Australia website. http://icom.org.au/site/activitiesair.php

Further information on the Awards is available on the ICOM Australia website, but if you have any queries, please contact Annette Welkamp, one of the Board members at [email protected] or 04 1850 7890.