The Office for the Arts is undertaking a review of the Australian Government International Exhibitions Insurance (AGIEI) program which provides funding for the purchase of insurance for major international cultural exhibitions touring to Australia.
A Consultation Paper has been released to gather information from stakeholders for the review. See Review of the Australian Government International Exhibitions Insurance Program Consulation Paper 2013.
Stakeholder Sessions
OFTA will be conducting stakeholder consultation sessions. If your museum would like to participate in one of these sessions, or have any questions about the AGIEI, please contact Kim Brunoro on 02 6210 2859 or at [email protected].
CAMD Submission
As this area is an issue of growing importance to many members in Australia, CAMD will be responding to the Consultation Paper. Please send your input for a CAMD response to [email protected] by Monday 22 April.
If you wish to respond directly to the AGIEI Consultation Paper please note that submissions should be returned to the Office for the Arts by 26 April 2013.