A Cultural Strategy For Launceston, City of Launceston
Draft Cultural Strategy: Consultation
Five key strategic directions will underpin the City of Launceston’s Cultural Strategy over the next decade. On 5 March 2020, Council voted to release the draft of the Cultural Strategy for community consultation.
The strategy is designed to lay out a path forward for Launceston to maximise its unique cultural opportunities, and to identify what strengths and weaknesses Launceston currently has in this space.
The draft Cultural Strategy laid out five clear strategic directions for the Council:
- To respect Aboriginal Culture
- To realise the potential of our cultural places and assets
- To foster creative practices
- Reveal our cultural stories, and
- Build and extend partnerships
The draft strategy was informed by a body of work undertaken in 2017 by Robin Archer AO – Towards A Cultural Strategy for Launceston.
That document evolved from interviews with Launceston, Tasmanian and national members of the arts and culture community, as well as from Ms Archer’s extensive experience in and understanding of arts and culture.
The delivery of the Cultural Strategy is a Launceston City Deal initiative. Through City Deals, all levels of government listen to the local community to identify a city’s priorities, then develop an integrated plan of action. By working together, all three levels of government are ensuring the support, programs and policies are in place for Launceston to succeed
The below survey will take about 10 minutes to complete and we would love your feedback on the draft as we move closer to its final adoption.
Thank you again for your contributions to this process and we look forward to working with you to continue to build the dynamic and welcoming city captured in the vision of the strategy.
To help build a picture of what our community sees as culture, the City of Launceston undertook a survey in December 2018. The results reveal a sophisticated understanding of the complexities of culture and emphasize the high value which the community of Launceston places on cultural activities. A summary of the results of that survey are now available in the document library on this page.
Council have used the survey results as a key contributor to the development of the Cultural Strategy, weaving them together with the threads that have been laid out by a number of reports and consultations since 2016, including:
- The 2016 Cultural Audit
- The Robyn Archer report – ‘Towards a cultural strategy for Launceston’
- The Hirst Projects feasibility study
Council has been meeting with cultural organisations and leaders since early July 2019, discussing a proposed framework for the strategy. This includes the integration of recent work by the Cultural Development Network (CDN) which establishes a cultural planning framework and a set of cultural outcomes which will drive the implementation of the strategy.
The CDN’s cultural outcomes are included in the document library on this page. If you have any questions about how they will operate in the new Cultural Strategy or would like to discuss the strategy further, please email: [email protected]