MA Conference 2015

Museums Australia National Conference 2015

Invitation to participate in a conference that will inspire, shake-up, question and celebrate innovation.

The Museums Australia National Conference 2015, to be held 21-24 May 2015 in Sydney, is seeking abstracts for papers, presentations, workshops, events roundtable discussions, professional development sessions, tours, critiques or debates on the conference theme of A cultural cacophony, with subthemes of Medium – the context of cultural production, Message – people have agency and Message and Medium – contested places, dangerous ideas. Abstracts are also sought for the Regional, Remote and Community Museums Day. Get together with your colleagues at work or in your national or local networks and bring our conference themes to life.

If you would like to contribute to the conference as a speaker, please complete your abstract submission via

Important dates:

Call for abstracts open: Now!

Close call for abstracts: Friday 24 October 2014, 5.00pm (AEST)

Notification of acceptance: December 2014

Earlybird registration opens: November 2014

Earlybird registration closes: February 2015

If you require any further details, please contact Conference Logistics on 02 6281 6624 or email [email protected]