Museum Director joins ARC Advisory Council

CAMD has congratulated Professor Suzanne Miller, the Director of the South Australian Museum, on her recent appointment to the Australian Research Council (ARC) Advisory Council.

The ARC Advisory Council was established in 2008 and since that time has played a key role in providing independent advice to drive positive change in the research sector and support innovation in Australia.  The new Advisory Council will continue to play a key role in guiding the Gillard Government’s investment in science and research, including close to $880 million in ARC Discovery and Linkage grants this financial year.

Other new members of the Advisory Council are:

  • Professor Attila Brungs, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research), University of Technology Sydney
  • Dr Leigh Farrell, Vice President, Business Development, Biota Holdings Ltd
  • Professor Sandra Harding, Vice-Chancellor and President, James Cook University
  • Professor Suzanne Miller, Director, South Australian Museum
  • Professor Sue Thomas, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research), Charles Sturt University

Professor Aidan Byrne will remain Chair of the Advisory Council, as the Chief Executive Officer of the ARC. Professors Peter Buckskin, Stephen Garton and Paul Johnson will continue as members of the Advisory Council.

Council members are appointed for two years and advise on:

  • strategic issues relating to the mission of the ARC, including strategic planning
  • policy matters relating to innovation, research and research training
  • matters relating to the evaluation of the quality and outcomes of research and research training in an international context.

For more information on the ARC Advisory Council and the new members, visit