National Heritage Places

The 2014-15 Community Heritage and Icons Grants programme supported Waverley Council to produce a website and exhibition to highlight the history of post-war Jewish immigrants in the Bondi area.

The Hon. Greg Hunt, Minister for the Environment Media Release, Funding for communities to enhance Australia’s national heritage, 22 February 2016

Community groups across Australia are invited to apply for grants through the 2015-16 round of the Community Heritage and Icons Grants programme.

Up to $337,000 is available this financial year for community organisations to undertake activities that promote community engagement with places on Australia’s National Heritage List.

Grants of between $2,500 and $10,000 are available for projects that support the programme’s objectives.

These grants are part of the Australian Government’s $1.4 million commitment to provide opportunities for community groups to engage with and raise awareness of places recognised on Australia’s National Heritage List.

The 104 places on the National Heritage List are recognised for defining our nation’s natural, historic and Indigenous culture. These exceptional places help tell the story of our diverse and remarkable national heritage.

This is an exciting opportunity for communities to continue to build upon the success of the 2014- 15 Community Heritage and Icons Grants programme. Grants awarded last year supported:

  • Nepean District Historical Society, for a festival to mark the 200th anniversary of the crossing of the Blue Mountains to establish Bathurst
  • Wakool Indigenous Corporation, for Welcome to Country signs and recording Dreaming Stories for the Muthi Muthi Traditional Owners of the Willandra Lakes Region
  • Waverley Council, for a website and exhibition to highlight the history of post-war Jewish immigrants in the Bondi area, including the Jerusalem steps at the Bondi Beach Pavilion
  • Dhimurru Aboriginal Corporation, for a cultural celebration event to recognise the inscription of the Wurrwurrwuy stone arrangements on the National Heritage List.

I strongly encourage community organisations involved in the conservation, promotion, and awareness raising of places on Australia’s National Heritage List, to consider making an application.

Applications for funding are open until 22 March 2016.

Further information about Community Heritage and Icons Grants, including the programme guidelines and application form, is available at