New Challenge for Kate Clark in Wales

News from the latest edition of Salon:

Congratulations to our Fellow Kate Clark on her appointment as Chief Executive of Cadw, the Welsh Government’s historic environment service. Kate will take up the post in late summer, in succession to Marilyn Lewis, who will retire in August 2014.

Originally from Australia, Kate studied Archaeology and Anthropology at Cambridge University before working for Ironbridge Gorge Museum, the Council for British Archaeology, English Heritage, the Heritage Lottery Fund, the Historic Houses Trust of New South Wales and Sydney Living Museums. As conference convenor and as the author of such influential works as Informed Conservation: understanding historic buildings and their landscapes for conservation, Conservation Plans for Historic Places, Conservation Plans in Action and Capturing the Public Value of Heritage, Kate has already done much to set the agenda and to frame the terminology and concepts used in modern conservation practice. In her new role she will put those ideas into practice, helping people to understand, enjoy and value the history and distinctive character of Wales’s heritage.

For further comment on the challenges that Kate will face at Cadw and thoughts on how she might deal with them, see the NewsBlog of the Institute for Historic Buildings Conservation.