National Film & Sound Archive. Photo: Wikimedia

Don Groves, NFSA confronts funding challenges for screen content professionals, 10 April 2015

The National Film and Sound Archive Strategic Plan 2015-2018 sets some ambitious targets while making a strong case for additional government funding.

Released on Thursday, the document warns, “Unless we substantially increase revenue, from government as well as private sources, the organisation will run the risk of under-performing on a range of government expectations and will not be able to deliver to our constituencies what they are entitled to expect.”

In the next three years the institution aims to to boost sponsorship, fund raising and commercial activities to generate $2 million per year.

It is committed to provide a new range of curated public programs including theatrical screenings of up to 10 restored or remastered Australian films annually.

And it will continue to lobby the federal government to make it mandatory for producers of audiovisual works to offer digital copies to the Archive.

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