Hello world!
Hello World indeed! This is our first post to announce the upcoming launch of OBJECT-ORIENTED!
OBJECT-ORIENTED: Digital Learning in Collections-based Museums is a new podcast exploring key concepts within digital learning pedagogies by highlighting examples within Natural History museums around the country.
OBJECT-ORIENTED is lead by three museum educators: Rik Panganiban (Senior Manager of Digital Learning at the California Academy of Sciences), Eve Gaus (Digital Learning Manager at The Field Museum), and Barry Joseph (Associate Director of Digital Learning at the American Museum of Natural History).
We all hope it will be be of interest to professionals interested in informal youth learning in science centers and natural history museums, as well as digital learning in general.
Each podcast will open with a welcoming segment. The main feature of each podcast will explore one topic incorporating a live guest or pre-recorded interview along with commentary and highlighted museum examples. Each will end – wait for it (SO excited!) – with a visit by Elizabeth Merritt, the Founding Director of the Center for the Future of Museums, to help us trend watch.
Watch this space for a preview video and, in starting the beginning of May, the launch of our first episode. Be sure to sign-up on the right to receive a notice when it launches.