Ortelia Curator

Gina Fairley, Curating will never be the same thanks to new digital tool, ArtsHub, 4 February 2015

Ortelia Curator
Queensland Theatre Company 3D interactive set and lighting. Source: Ortelia

Technology promises to revolutionise the way you curate and design an exhibition space – allowing you to design a space remotely.

Every now and again we witness new technology that has the ability to shift an entire culture. This digital tool, developed in partnership between NETS Australia (National Exhibitions Touring Support) and software developers Ortelia Interactive Services, transforms the way in which curators are able to plan and layout exhibitions when they are touring to remote and regional areas.

Using a 3D modeling program, Ortelia Curator allows the user to create a virtual exhibition space, complete with attention to lighting systems and throws, the bleed of natural light from windows, wall colours, didactics, pedestals, exhibition furniture and so on.

Curators are even able to add moving image to better represent video projections, digital and sound based works that might be integral to an exhibition. And when you are done playing with your exhibition design – you can simply print it out as scaled drawings with annotations.

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