Pacific museum directors on repatriation

Bringing them home: The journey to repatriate stolen Pacific treasures, ABC Pacific, 12 March 2024


Far away from their island homes, our artefacts, tools and art are pinned to the walls of museums across the world – ensnared in the grip of colonial institutions.

How did they get there? And more importantly, how do we get them back?

Recently, there’s been a push for museums to repatriate the artefacts they’ve been holding… but are they doing enough?

Only last year, news broke that the Queensland Museum in Brisbane, Australia, was still holding the human remains of many Pacific Islanders – bringing the whole process of repatriation into question.

You’ll hear from Solomon Islands Museum Director, Tony Heorake and Clacy Fatnowna, President of the Queensland United Australian South Sea Islander Council. Dr Katrina Talei-Iggelsden, acting Director of Fiji Museum, suggests how her museum is taking progressive steps for their community.

Culture Compass was produced by Deadset Studios for ABC Radio Australia. 


