Power of Micro donations

Lina Canvea, NFP Giving App ‘Good Thnx Launches, Pro Bono News, 3 September 2015

A new Australian charity donation application has been launched by a South Australian foundation which aims to use the power of micro donations to say “thnx” and to reward good deeds in the community.

The Good Thnx App has been launched by the Good Thnx Foundation with more than 20 Australian charities signing up as partners. The free app allows people to show gratitude for good works in the community using their smartphones.

Co-Founder, Shannon Poulton, who has a marketing and social media background, said that the Good Thnx platform enables people to send a “thnx” to anyone who does something good, and includes a short message and an amount to go to a charity.

“The person you say thank you to is notified and they choose which charity gets the money,” Poulton said.

“This simple idea of embracing the power of gratitude and appreciation is already proving to be a positive behavioural loop, encouraging more acts of kindness, with over $15,000 raised for charity in the first six weeks.”

Poulton and co-founder Ante Juricin, together with the founding charity partners, have been working with an advisory board of Australians with experience in online technology, consumer behaviour and social innovation …

To make goodthnx.me work, the Good Thnx Foundation (www.goodthnxfoundation.org) was created. Good Thnx Foundation is a Not for Profit public ancillary fund, which means that it collects donations from the public into its Gift Fund and then distributes those donations to charities and other organisations who have deductible gift recipient status on a quarterly basis.

“The aim with the App is to ensure that there are no fees for the charities.” …

The charity partners so far include Beyondblue, 
RSPCA South Australia,
 St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria, World Vision Australia  and WWF -Australia, AIME,
 Alannah and Madeline Foundation, Australian Refugee Association, Beacon Foundation,
 Enable Australia, 
Engineers Without Borders, 
Father Bob Foundation, 
Habitat for Humanity SA,
 Junction Australia, 
 Mind Shift,
 Phoenix Australia, Rebuild Independence Group, SAHMRI, 
Seniors and Silkies, South Australian Museum,
 The Orange Pigeon, 
Windmill Theatre,
 World Animal Protection.

Good Thnx is open for all Australian charities with Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status to join.

Read full story here