SAM’s AG Nature Photographer of the Year

Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year 2018, The Sydney Morning Herald, 24 August 2018

The first and second place photographs for each of the ten categories for the Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year for 2018.


Winner of Portfolio Prize and Runner Up Animal Portrait: “Luminous Bluebottle”
Physalia utriculus, by Matty Smith, New South Wales. Photo: Matty Smith.


Animal Portrait Winner. “Northern leaf-tailed gecko” Saltuarius cornutus
by Igor Mikula, Slovakia. Photo: Igor Mikula.


Animal Behaviour Winner: “Posing Black-fronted Dotterels”, Black-fronted dotterel,
Elseyornis melanops, by Dan Giselsson, Queensland. Photo: Dan Giselsson.


Animal Behaviour Runner Up: “Play Fighting”, Western grey kangaroos,
Macropus fuliginosus, by Georgina Steytler, Western Australia.
Photo: Georgina Steytler.

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