The following news has been received from the office of the Northern Territory Minister for Arts and Museums.
12 February 2014
The Board of the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (MAGNT) will have new powers to help it attract private sector support under new legislation that was passed in Parliament today.
The Minister for Arts and Museums said the new Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Act will establish the MAGNT as a Statutory Authority, funded by the Northern Territory Government.
“This new legislation will ensure as many people as possible can enjoy our museums,” Mr Conlan said.
“Allowing the MAGNT to become a Statutory Authority will allow it to attract more philanthropic donations and corporate sponsorship that will further enhance its exhibitions and programs through the acquisition of major art works or scientific material and items of significance to the Territory’s cultural heritage.
“These increased powers will mean MAGNT can provide a better experience for Territorians now and into the future.
“More than 200,000 visit MAGNT each year, but with improved programs and exhibitions that number will be able to grow even more.
“The Country Liberals Government understands the important role our unique museums and art galleries play in attracting tourists to the Territory. This new legislation will also allow us to showcase our arts better to tourists and build a more prosperous Territory economy.”
Pierre Arpin, Director of MAGNT, said he was thrilled to see the Bill passed today.
“This is a vote of confidence for our institution,” Mr Arpin said.
“The Act will provide the MAGNT with an operating model which is generally recognised as the best governance model for cultural and collecting institutions. This new structure will also allow the MAGNT to work more closely with the business and philanthropic communities – to grow our collections and better support our programs.”
Under the legislation, the MAGNT collection, which includes art works, specimens, exhibits, equipment, data and publications, will continue to be owned by the Territory.
The new Act will commence on 1 July 2014.
All current MAGNT staff will remain as public sector employees under the new legislation.
Media Contact:
Lisa Andrews 0401 579 963