Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery Reawakens

The Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG) has thrown open the doors on its spectacular $30 million redevelopment.

More than 14,000 people filed through the new visitor entrance at the historic Watergate on Dunn Place during the initial reopening days.  The opening events coincided with Tasmania’s biennial arts festival, Ten Days on the Island.

The new space and exhibitions further cement Hobart’s pulling power as a cultural destination.

TMAG Director Bill Bleathman said that while the redevelopment had been a long journey, the result had been worth the wait.

“Making a contribution to the cultural memory of our great state has been an honour that none of us here at TMAG have taken lightly,” Mr Bleathman said.

“Our collection is the broadest of any single cultural institution in the nation and is now more accessible than ever before.”

The historic waterfront museum’s renovations are the first stage of a planned, although as yet unfunded, $200m ‘redevelopment vision’ which it is hoped will eventually feature more than 2000 sq m of gallery space.