The digital economy

Digital Economy Strategy, Australian Government, 19 September 2017

Opened 19 Sep 2017 / Closes 30 Nov 2017

On 19 September 2017, the Australian Government announced it will develop a national Digital Economy Strategy. The strategy will focus on ways governments, businesses and the community can adjust to seize the benefits of digital transformation.

The ‘digital economy’ is not separate to the economy. It impacts all industries and business types, and influences the way we interact with each other every day.

We know government doesn’t have all the answers. That’s why we have committed to developing the strategy in an open and inclusive way. We want your ideas to help develop the strategy. Your responses will help us identify the key issues, challenges and opportunities, and to develop a way forward.

The Consultation Process

Our Digital Economy consultation paper presents a number of topics and questions to assist with your input.

You can share your views on some, or all, of the topics and questions in the consultation paper – it’s entirely up to you. Written submissions may address topics and questions in the consultation paper but can also provide additional information.

You may like to:

  • Upload a submission using the link below; and/or
  • Provide a comment on a topic or particular question using the link below. There are no restrictions to the topics you choose to comment on. You may select just one, or comment on a number of topics of interest to you.

You can also provide a submission or comments via email and post. See the contact details below.

Email: [email protected]

Digital Economy Strategy Team
Department of Industry, Innovation and Science
GPO Box 2013
Canberra, ACT, 2601

We anticipate publishing written submissions during and after the consultation period (where consent was given to publish).

Further information about the Digital Economy is available at: