Caption: Members and alternate delegates visit the Gold Museum Ballarat, Sovereign Hill during the CAMD Annual General Meeting, October 2012.  Picture: Meredith Foley

This year’s CAMD General Meeting has been arranged to coincide with the Museums Australia National Conference which will be held in Canberra in mid-May.  CAMD members are encouraged to use this opportunity to stay after the CAMD meeting to attend some or all of the MA conference.  It should be noted that the usual business of the MA conference has been reorganised so that all the major plenary sessions will be held on Saturday 18 May.  2013 is also the Canberra centenary year so there should be a lively round of activities for members to engage in during the week.

The timetable for the CAMD meeting is as follows:

Thursday 16 May

(If you are arriving on Thursday please consider dropping bags at your hotel before proceeding to the NMA.)

11:30am – 1:30pm National Summit involving CAMD members, MA National Executive and Federal Office for the Arts –  Bunyip/Biami Room, National Museum of Australia, Lawson Crescent, Acton Peninsula, Canberra. Lunch incl.

2:00pm – 5:00pm CAMD General Meeting, Peninsula Room, NMA

5:30pm – 6:30pm Governor General’s reception – CAMD and MA– at Yarralumla (transport to and from arranged). Invitation only: if you have not yet responded please contact Carol Cartwright at MA – [email protected]

7:00pm CAMD dinner – Ottoman Empire

Friday 17 May

8:30am – 9:30am Breakfast for CAMD and MA National Council members at NMA cafe

9:45am – 3:30pm CAMD General Meeting, Peninsula Room, MA

Museums Australia Conference

CAMD members should register soon for the MA conference (if required, single day registrations are available).

The MA national conference Welcome Reception will be held on Friday evening, 17 May.

For further details of the National MA conference and to register see the MA Conference event listing .

CAMD Meeting Business

Members are reminded that they have been asked to provide agenda items for the CAMD general meeting by April 19.

Members will not be required to provide an annual member’s report to this meeting.


Please make your bookings for accommodation in Canberra as soon as possible. There will be a high level of demand due to the Centenary year and a number of associated events on around this time.

The Museums Australia Conference site includes special accommodation rates for those registering for the MA conference – see

The following hotels are also a short taxi ride from the National Museum of Australia where much of the action will take place:

The Diamant

Rydges Lakeside

Clifton Suites

Novotel Canberra

Please contact Meredith Foley (02) 0438890902 or [email protected] if you have any queries about the above.



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