- UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Festival Statistics – Key concepts and current practice, 2015 Best practice in analyzing festivals in Australia (2009) is included in the report.
- Audience Atlas Victoria 2014 maps out the profile of the culture market in Victoria in detail, examining the demographic composition of Victorian arts and culture audiences, and also providing an in-depth insight into their attitudes, motivations and behaviour.
- ABS, Australian National Accounts: Cultural and Creative Activity Satellite Accounts, Experimental, 2008-09. cat. no. 5271.0 Feb 2014. Demonstrates that cultural and creative activity is estimated to have contributed $86.0 billion (6.9%) to Australia’s Gross Domestic Product in 2008-09.
- The latest instalment for ABS Arts and Culture: State and Territory Profiles, 2012 cat. no. 4920.0 February 2014. Presents summary data on selected cultural occupations and industries from the 2011 Census of Population and Housing to provide an overview for employment in culture by state or territory. This report discusses the number of ‘culturally’ employed persons classified by the occupation and industry of their main job, based on inclusion in the Australian Culture and Leisure Classifications, 2008 (Second Edition) (cat. no. 4902.0).
- 2013 NSW Museum and Gallery Sector Census and Survey, September 2013. First comprehensive survey of the small to medium museum and gallery sector undertaken by Museums and Galleries NSW since 2008. Identified 495 operational museums and galleries in NSW.
- Museums Aotearoa, 2012 Sector Survey Report, prepared by Lisa McCauley, April 2013
- ‘Museums – Temples of delight’ – Special Report, The Economist, December 21st 2013
- Anthony Lilley with Professor Paul Moore, ‘Counting What Counts: what big data can do for the cultural sector’, NESTA Feb 2013.
- Elena Villaespesa et al, ‘Making Sense of Numbers: A Journey of Spreading the Analytics Culture at Tate‘, paper from Museums and the Web Conference, April 11-14 2012. Deals with challenge of measuring online performance.
- Australian Bureau of Statistics ABS 4172.0 – Arts and Culture in Australia: A Statistical Overview, 2012
(Latest ISSUE) 30/01/2013 See: http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/mf/4172.0?OpenDocument