Tāmaki Paenga Hira: Tui tui hono tangata, whenua me te moana.

Ko Tāmaki Paenga Hira, hewaengarahi ake, he ngakau mahaki mo te kaitiakitanga taonga pū korero, pakiwaitara, korero tipua ano hoki mai i ngā kai para korero.

Auckland Museum is a much-loved organisation at the centre of Auckland’s cultural identity, committed to developing and sharing engaging content through its galleries, exhibition, events and educational programmes.

The Public Experience Directorate is responsible for the public offer onsite, offsite and online through digital, exhibitions, learning and community, commemoration and museum experience.

The Head of Exhibitions is part of the senior leadership group of the Museum and responsible for the development and delivery of an audience-focused, collections inspired and digitally-rich exhibition programme that serves all the Museums audiences.

The Exhibition team is responsible for developing and delivering a programme of permanent and temporary/touring exhibitions. The team includes content & interpretation developers, project managers, writers, designers, display technicians, production staff, exhibition associates and contracted staff from a wide range of creative disciplines. Museum exhibition development has evolved and changed significantly in recent years and will continue to do so, not least in response to changing expectations and approaches to public experience.

There will be a focus on touring our exhibitions and developing a dynamic inbound touring exhibitions schedule.

To be successful in this role, you will have:

  • Experience at a senior managerial level in a complex and comparable environment.
  • Experience in the development and delivery of large, collections-based exhibitions.
  • Ability to lead and manage individuals and cross-disciplinary teams.
  • Relevant tertiary qualification.
  • Interpersonal skills to be able to establish meaningful working relationships with stakeholders and peer organisations.
  • Working knowledge and broad familiarity with current trends in public engagement and content & interpretation and experience.
  • A comprehensive understanding of digital engagement in museums.
  • Knowledge and experience of Tikanga Māori and/or Pacific cultures.
  • Understanding of the principles and practice of the Treaty of Waitangi.
  • Experience in leading and managing projects in a mid to large size organisation.
  • Written and communication skills for effective communication through report writing, presentations and data analysis.
  • Aptitude and knowledge to manage department and project budgets.
  • Flexible in approach to working hours, including weekend and evening working.

You must be eligible to work in NZ to apply for this position.

This is a great opportunity for someone looking to be part of a fabulous New Zealand organisation committed to telling our national and Auckland stories and reflecting our unique place in the South Pacific.


To apply for this job, please go to our job site and enter the job code 16631AC2.