The Oceania Forum will be held at the Eskitis Institute in Brisbane from the 19th to the 23rd of November 2012.

The Australian Government established the National Biodiscovery Forum series in 2009, providing biodiscovery stakeholders with opportunities to exchange ideas, understanding and experiences.  This Forum extends an invitation to Pacific nations to join their Australian counterparts at the first Oceania Biodiscovery Forum.

The forums aim to foster mutual understanding and collaboration between all participants – whether from state or federal government bodies, academic or research institutions or industry. These forums are designed to encourage all parties involved to realise the potential of biodiversity research and create a thriving, global industry.

The forum will be free of charge, however you will need to RSVP by the 29th October 2012,  indicating how many people from your institution will be attending on which days.

For further information see Oceania Biodiscovery Forum.

If you have further queries regarding the Oceania Biodiscovery Forum and to RSVP please email [email protected].


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