Mark McKenna’s Moment of Truth

History and Australia’s Future
Developing Bunjilaka

Indigenous partnerships
Papunya Boards report released
A recent report outlines the status and confirms the restrictions surrounding a number of key works in the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (MAGNT). The early Papunya Boards are a vitally important body of work that are considered to represent the very beginnings of the modern Aboriginal art movement. The report, prepared […]
Aboriginal Education Program – Scitech, Perth
Scitech Aboriginal Education Program Nov 2012 Downloads for this article: Scitech-Aboriginal-Education-Program-Nov-20121-1 • 236 kB
Out of the Glass Case – South Australian Museum
Out of the Glass Case – SAM Downloads for this article: Out-of-the-Glass-Case-SAM2 • 93 kB
Yiwarra Kuju, The Canning Stock Route – NMA
Downloads for this article: Yiwarra-Kuju-The-Canning-Stock-Route-National-Museum-of-Australia2 • 61 kB
Victorian Veterans – ACMI
Downloads for this article: Victorian-Veterans-Australian-Centre-for-the-Moving-Image3 • 93 kB
My People, Country and Culture – Museum Victoria
Downloads for this article: My-People-Country-and-Culture-Museum-Victoria1 • 57 kB
HMB Endeavour – Australian National Maritime Museum
Downloads for this article: HMB-Endeavour-Australian-National-Maritime-Museum2 • 118 kB
Order by Date Name Downloads for this article: Making-History-Museum-Victoria1 • 89 kB Video-conferencing-with-schools-History-SA1 • 150 kB Star-Voyager-Australian-Centre-for-the-Moving-Image • 167 kB Convict-Story-Historic-Houses-Trust-of-NSW1 • 160 kB The-Art-of-Video-Conferencing-Australian-Museum1 • 132 kB Thinkspace-Powerhouse-Museum2 • 79 kB Bound-for-South-Australia-History-SA • 203 kB Victorian-Veterans-Australian-Centre-for-the-Moving-Image • 162 kB HMB-Endeavour-Australian-National-Maritime-Museum1 • 190 kB Learning-and-Health-Scienceworks-Melbourne • 176 kB Maths-After-School-Enrichment-Program-Powerhouse-Museum • 144 kB Out-of-the-Glass-Case-SAM1 • 117 […]