Head of Mātauranga Māori – Te Papa

Pouwhakahaere Mātauranga Māori | Head of Mātauranga Māori Tuia te tangata, tuia ngā kōrero, tuia ngā taonga Ko te kapa Collections and Research Directorate te wāhi e noho pū ana ngā mahi whare taonga kohikohinga, tiakina, e haumarutia ana ngā taonga, kia tutuki ai te aronga o Te Papa hei whare taonga mō Aotearoa whānui. […]

Head of Mātauranga Māori – Te Papa

Pouwhakahaere Mātauranga Māori | Head of Mātauranga Māori Tuia te tangata, tuia ngā kōrero, tuia ngā taonga Ko te kapa Collections and Research Directorate te wāhi e noho pū ana ngā mahi whare taonga kohikohinga, tiakina, e haumarutia ana ngā taonga, kia tutuki ai te aronga o Te Papa hei whare taonga mō Aotearoa whānui. […]

Head of Matauranga Maori – Te Papa

Kaiārahi Mātauranga Māori For nearly two decades, Te Papa has housed, nurtured and empowered the legacies of Aotearoa and its people. We are built on a foundation of innovation and co-creation – a striking collision of community and culture that has transformed our history and our heritage into something tangible, something engaging. As our journey […]

Head of Matauranga Maori – Te Papa

For nearly two decades, Te Papa has housed, nurtured and empowered the legacies of Aotearoa and its people. We are built on a foundation of innovation and co-creation – where community and culture  has transformed our history and our heritage into something tangible, something engaging. As our journey continues, we embrace the idea of renewal and […]

Head of Mātauranga Māori – TePapa

Job description Kua tata ki te rua ngahuru tau a Te Papa Tongarewa hei whakaruruhau, hei kaitiaki mō te mana taonga ā-motu o Aotearoa. Ko te hiringa, ko te tikanga rua te tūāpapa o tēnei pātaka iringa kōrero – koia i ihutahi ai te hāpori whānui ki ōna tikanga maha, koia i whanake ai ngā […]

Head of Mātauranga Māori – Te Papa

Head of Mātauranga Māori | Kaiārahi Mātauranga Māori Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa Head of Mātauranga Māori For nearly two decades, Te Papa has housed, nurtured and empowered the legacies of Aotearoa and its people. We are built on a foundation of innovation and co-creation – a striking collision of community and culture […]